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Electric trike touring from Germany 🇩🇪 to Netherlands 🇳🇱 and back – part one

Electric trike touring from Germany 🇩🇪 to Netherlands 🇳🇱 and back – part one

Katja and Stefan Hartmann have done an extensive tour on their AZUB Ti-FLY X and Ti-FLY 26 electric recumbent trikes again. Like last year when they traveled Up and Down Through Germany.
This time they crossed the Swabian Alb, the Black Forest, the Vosges, and followed the rivers Saar, Moselle, and Rhine. Their goal was to see the Rhine, or Waal, being swallowed up by the North Sea. They turned around along Maas and then the Rhine up again. They had 2700 km of pure fun.

Germany up-and-down tour

Germany up-and-down tour

Stefan and his wife Kaja did a trip around Germany on their AZUB Ti-FLYs. Although in their home country they have found many new and wonderful places. Also meeting all those great people was a unique experience for them.

Winners of the Short Sun Trip

Winners of the Short Sun Trip

Samuel & Baptiste from Team Urbasolar used the Ti-FLY 26 and came first to the finish of the short version. Here is an interview with Samuel about their great experience.

The story…

The story…

We like stories, so we also like this photostory of the Ti-FLY 26 with Shimano Steps E6100 and two friends experiencing one summer evening ride on two electric bikes.

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

AZUB Ti-FLY is the trike of the year and it is also thanks to your votes. We have to thank you very much. It is an amazing satisfaction for us and we are even more proud of it because we feel your support! You have all made an amazing effort. Thank you once again!...

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