Zjistěte, co je nového v AZUBu a jeho okolí

Načerpejte inspiraci při prohlížení fotografií našich kol, zjistěte termíny veletrhů, prohlédněte si speciální nabídky a nenechte si ujít občasné povídání ze zákulisí přátelské české firmy.

Traisenthal cycle adventure of the big boss and his sons

Traisenthal cycle adventure of the big boss and his sons

Would you like to know how to enjoy time with kids and how kids can enjoy time with their dad? All you need to do is to pack your bags and go on an adventure. The heatwave was unbearable at home, yet the bikes were just waiting for us to get up and go. Also, dad...

International Recumbent Meeting 2015 video

International Recumbent Meeting 2015 video

As every 5 years AZUB is going to organize a big event in Uherský Brod this September as a little celebration of AZUB`s 15th Anniversary. Many of you may remember great meetings in 2005 and especially in 2010 when we welcomed over 200 riders in Uherský Brod and we...

Milan – a new member of AZUB team

Milan – a new member of AZUB team

We are very happy we can introduce you a new member of our team who will care about the recumbent sales and will further improve our customer service. His name is Milan Čtvrtník and here is his little introduction: My name is Milan Čtvrtník. 1979 is the year when I...

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