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AZUB TRIcon 26
Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Arto is our Finnish dealer. His shop’s name is Arcus Velomobile. As the winter in Finland is pretty long and quite often also tough, he tested the winter tires from Continental on his AZUB TRIcon 26 recumbent electric trike. His choice is Continental Topcontact Winter 55mm.

Trike of the Year 2015 award for the TRIcon

Trike of the Year 2015 award for the TRIcon

AZUB TRIcon is the trike of the year and it is also thanks to your votes. We have to thank you very much. It is an amazing satisfaction for us and we are even more proud of it because we feel your support! You have all made an amazing effort. Thank you once again!...

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