There is no greater reward in our work than when we manage to get someone on a bike who wouldn’t be able to ride it otherwise. We build quite a few of such trikes a year, but some are very specially modified. A few years ago, it was one for Mr. Hos, who rides our AZUB Ti-FLY even though he has no arms and only one leg. This year we built another such machine. Again, it is steered by tilting the upper body, again it can be braked by pushing the knee on the 3D printed brake lever, and again this recumbent trike is equipped with an electric motor and Enviolo automatic shifting. Find out more in the video itself!
AZUB Ti-FLY 26 for the armless rider – recumbent trike adapted for steering with the upper body
May 27, 2024 | Adaptations for disabled riders, Amazing bikes, AZUB Ti-FLY 26, e-bikes | 0 comments
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