You would expect that, wouldn’t you? And right you are! But we do not love just recumbents, we love all sorts of all pedally thingamajigs. Foldables, cargoes, hard tails and fulls. Bicycles, tricycles, quadricycles, you name it. There is even a scooterer among us, a well passionate one at that. All these little cycling niches give us lots of inspiration to further develop our recumbents. We must admit, we also lose sleep over them. They occupy our thoughts all the time and make us think about devising new and new contraptions we could saddle up.
For us, cycling is not just a job or entertainment. For many of us, it is a lifestyle, and in some cases, you could even say a calling.
Let us take you on a short walk through our cycling experiments, encounters and excitement for everything that is human powered.
Our big boss rides not only his beautiful AZUB MAX, you can also see him in Uherský Brod ferrying around two little guys on a legendary red Larry vs. Harry Bullitt.
His biggest passion is mountain bikes. He just adores wild outings on single trails and spends every moment of his free time on a bike. Thanks to his experience, our tricycles with a 26″ rear wheel are equipped with the Syntace through axle, and the front suspension of the Ti-FLY works so perfectly. You can be sure that Tomáš’s demands for any suspension are pretty extreme.
Long before Miro came to work in AZUB, he had fun constructing recumbents. In his workshop he built a copy of the Optima Baron Lowracer and a superb tricycle with direct steering and 20″ wheels. His latest achievement is combining the front part of our Ti-FLY model and the rear part of his delta tricycle project. Thus, he has created the ultimate quadricycle with fantastic riding properties.
Milan is a passionate scooterer and we have stopped asking him how many kilometres he has done, as he would probably put us all in AZUB to shame. On his scooter, he is able to cover unbelievable distances and even pull his two kids in a trailer. He and his scooter have taken part in the Paris–Roubaix race and conquered the 4200 m Pikes Peak in Colorado.

Ivo Hrubíšek
We like supporting cycling in any form. For example, we have contributed to the publication of a beautiful book on human powered aircraft. Unfortunately, it is available only in Czech but it is well worth leafing through if only for the fantastic pictures.
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