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Blogové kategorie
CORE level (stock) trikes almost sold-out

CORE level (stock) trikes almost sold-out

We have to inform you that the demand for anything “moving” has been so high in the last weeks that all the stock trikes we have built for you during the wintertime are almost sold-out now.

The hidden story from SPEZI

The hidden story from SPEZI

It is a story of friendship. It is a story unusual voluntary help. It is a story of a wonderful cakes we get every year. It is a story of Peter Lenhard.

Flying AZUB recumbents

Flying AZUB recumbents

We have designed and built several units of cableway-like-recumbents for a Dinopark in Vyškov, Czech Republic. The loop you can pedal is about 300 meters / 1000 feet long and at the highest point, you fly 11 meters above the ground and above the dinosaurs.

The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available

The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available

We've been dreaming for a few years at AZUB about our own calendar, which would consist of all the amazing pictures we have from the adventurers riding AZUB recumbent bikes, and for this year, which is our twentieth year, the idea made the most sense to us. But its...

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