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Get some inspiration looking through pictures of our bikes, learn the dates for trade fairs, see new pricelists and special offers and don’t miss out on the occasional tales from behind the scenes of a friendly Czech company.

The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available

The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available

We've been dreaming for a few years at AZUB about our own calendar, which would consist of all the amazing pictures we have from the adventurers riding AZUB recumbent bikes, and for this year, which is our twentieth year, the idea made the most sense to us. But its...

AZUB and current coronavirus crisis

AZUB and current coronavirus crisis

AZUB is still working on all orders. We don’t have any major or important component supply issues and we try to act the way to be able to build bikes fluently in the future as well. If there is any delay in the delivery of ordered bikes you will be informed as usual. 

Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Arto is our Finnish dealer. His shop’s name is Arcus Velomobile. As the winter in Finland is pretty long and quite often also tough, he tested the winter tires from Continental on his AZUB TRIcon 26 recumbent electric trike. His choice is Continental Topcontact Winter 55mm.



We are gathering strength for the next season and enjoying time with our families. We'll be back in the office on January 2, 2020. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. Your AZUB team

AZUB PF 2020

AZUB PF 2020

Merry Christmas and absolutely the best year 2020 incl. many happy kilometers/miles on (our) recumbents! Your AZUB team

USA tour by Zdenko Naď – video

USA tour by Zdenko Naď – video

Zdenko is a young Croatian guy who approached us in early 2018 with a simple question. Can you borrow me a trike so I can make a tour over the USA from coast to coast? And we said yes. Here is his video.

Our bikes & trailers – what you need to know

Our bikes & trailers – what you need to know

Because many of our bikes and trikes are used for multi-day cycling expeditions, or practical everyday use, our customers often ask us about the possibility of attaching a trailer to our bikes. Their questions also point to which of the trailer is the best. So here is our analysis and our recommendations based primarily on my experience of many long journeys during which I have used different trailers.

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