Ti-FLY blog posts

An important article about trikes and safetyin french magazine

An important article about trikes and safetyin french magazine

This article has been published in March issue of "Cyclotourisme" magazine, which is send to 22.000 subscribers among the 110.000 members of the FFCT (French Federation of CycloTourism) FFCT is dedicated to leisure cycling and is different than the FFC (French...

Why do you ride AZUB Mini with dual 20“ wheels even in terrain?

Why do you ride AZUB Mini with dual 20“ wheels even in terrain?

I get such question pretty often. Especialy because I am 185 cm tall which is far enough for dual 26" bike. The answer is a bit longer as it describes my recumbent experience which is couple of years long. I started to ride recumbents sometime around 2003. In that...

Off-road AZUB MAX with open cocpit steering

Off-road AZUB MAX with open cocpit steering

We have introduced the open cocpit (OC) steering option here on the blog just about three monthes ago or so and we have built couple of them until now. Here you can see a pretty special bike. It is an AZUB MAX with 26" wheels and Schwalbe Racing Ralph MTB tyres and...

Fred and Ophélie are heading to America

Fred and Ophélie are heading to America

My girlfriend Ophélie and my-self (Fred) will ride our bikes during 1 year in America. We'll spend 5 months in the wilderness of West USA and Canada and 7 months in South America between Lima and El Calafate. You can see all the details on our blog :...

Just being with the bike and travelling

Just being with the bike and travelling

We have received very nice e-mail from Erwan travelling around France and just being. Being with our bike. Nice! Hi, I chose an azub max to live on the road. I have used an optima baron for 10 years and a nazca pioneer for 5 years, so, I can recognize a good bike. I...

Custom ECO trike built for Czech customer

Custom ECO trike built for Czech customer

This is a post which should show that almost everything is possible here in AZUB. Even if we officialy promote the AZUB ECO trike as a basic trike with only minimum of options, we are able to build it based on customer demand. Of course, with some little upcharge for...

Super-white AZUB MAX

Super-white AZUB MAX

We got a set of pictures from our Czech customer and they need to be published. He has ordered just a frame set with front fork from us and fine tuned it then. And the result is an extreme white AZUB MAX recumbent. [gallery link="file" size="full"...

AZUB winter offer 2012

AZUB winter offer 2012

We would like to announce our winter offer for this year. Something we have never done before, but we would like to do this year. The winter offer consists of two offers in fact: The 1st is a our color shop option for free exclude the seat. The seat would be just 30...

Amazing AZUB TWIN recumbent tandem

Amazing AZUB TWIN recumbent tandem

We built a pretty unique AZUB TWIN tandem last week. Our customers wanted to have it in same colors as their two Catrike trikes. So we let the dreams flow, used the AZUB Color shop option and painted a very special frame for them. The expedition extension of our...

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