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The Ti-FLY X roadie

The Ti-FLY X roadie

The fully suspended trike with three 26” wheels called AZUB Ti-FLY X is truly a bike supposed to be used off the beaten paths, on the roads full of stones and loose sand, and this is how we have specified it and how you can find it in our configurator. You may know we...



Biketoday.news realized there are some three-wheeled bicycles in the cycling world and made a category for them. And we are one of the nominees. You can vote for any other product in other categories, but you should vote for us in the Trike category and in the Best Company category 🙂 You can find the list of nominations here: https://biketoday.news/award/biketoday-news-awards-2018
Don’t forget to confirm your vote from your email. And don’t forget the deadline is November 23st, 2018! Thank you for your help!

Ti-FLY X inspired by Dory

Ti-FLY X inspired by Dory

Amazing bikes is a series, where we showcase bikes and trikes which are not ordinary or usual but somehow special and might be inspiration for others. You can see, how your favorite drivetrain, brakes or color looks like on real recumbent and decide, whether is this...

Tom’s big retirement journey on Ti-FLY X

Tom’s big retirement journey on Ti-FLY X

Intro: Retirement minus 24 days…17 weekdays…not that I’m counting. I’d like a big trip to celebrate my retirement. The Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, or the Continental Divide Trail? 2500 miles give or take…that’s a long way to walk. Maybe riding would be...

Prototype of Ti-FLY X

Prototype of Ti-FLY X

Tom is going to ride the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route in the US on a trike and we have built him a prototype of Ti-FLY 78. An extreme machine which is capable of such task and which is going to carry Tom and all his belongings over the 2768 miles (4454 km) long...

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