Watch the video interview describing the beginning of AZUB and also showing some of the crucial prototypes.
Winners of the Short Sun Trip
Samuel & Baptiste from Team Urbasolar used the Ti-FLY 26 and came first to the finish of the short version. Here is an interview with Samuel about their great experience.
The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available
We've been dreaming for a few years at AZUB about our own calendar, which would consist of all the amazing pictures we have from the adventurers riding AZUB recumbent bikes, and for this year, which is our twentieth year, the idea made the most sense to us. But its...
AZUB and current coronavirus crisis
AZUB is still working on all orders. We don’t have any major or important component supply issues and we try to act the way to be able to build bikes fluently in the future as well. If there is any delay in the delivery of ordered bikes you will be informed as usual.
The trip to Kyrgyzstan 2018
Sylvain, 53 years old, I have lived in Corsica since 2008 and I appreciate the outdoor activities. I cycled a lot in my youth and I decided to go back to cycling in 2016. It was while doing research on the internet on bicycle trips then I discovered the “recumbent bike”. I bought an Azub Bufo at the end of 2016 and Kyrgyzstan is my third trip with this bike, after 2 stays of one month, each in Morocco.
Do Kyrgyzstánu na lehokole
Sylvain, 53 let, žiju na Korsice od roku 2008 a oceňuji aktivity ve volné přírodě. Dříve jsem hodně jezdil na kole, poté si dal přestávku a znovu se k tomu vrátil v roce 2016. Bylo to v době, kdy jsem si na internetu hledal tipy na výlet a na razil na „lehokola“. Koupil jsem si Azub Bufo. Kyrgyzstán je můj třetí výlet s tímto kolem, předtím to bylo 2x Maroko, vždy po jednom měsíci.
Ti-FLY saved me – a story by Angela Garcia
I was an avid road cyclist until six weeks ago when I had a crash that I don’t remember. My helmet didn’t work so well as I had two brain bleeds and a severe concussion. After spending some time in the ICU unconscious, I soon learned that I would never be able to ride...
An amazing story of one trike
Valentin, a French guy, purchased an AZUB T-Tris 20 trike from us early in 2015 and started his world tour in USA couple of months later. Unfornatenuly, his little trike was stolen in Colorado and Valentin had to continue in the backpacking, but very adventurous...
Marc Brunet on AZUB SIX
Marc Brunet has done several long trips on our AZUB SIX. One of the very remarkable was from France to Armenia in order to support children in schools there via a foundation. He is here with grand kids ready for another although much shorter tour. Marc, thank you for...
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