Viktor Zichó is cycling to Nordkapp in winter

Viktor Zichó is cycling to Nordkapp in winter

Viktor Zichó is a Hungarian cyclist and adventurer and he set off from Hungary to cycle to Nordkapp, Norway in winter using his AZUB MAX. We caught him in Prague and did an interview with him about his previous expeditions and plans for the current one.

What Makes a Good RECUMBENT Mountain Bike?

What Makes a Good RECUMBENT Mountain Bike?

Saukki is a known recumbent YouTuber and his Velomobile Channel is pretty popular with over 8000 followers as of the beginning of November 2020. He speaks about the best possible recumbent for off-road riding which is the AZUB MAX

Plans for riding from San Francisco to Memphis – Interview with Dave Cornthwaite

Plans for riding from San Francisco to Memphis – Interview with Dave Cornthwaite

Dave Cornthwaite is an adventurer and founder of NGO called Say Yes More. He is riding our AZUB MAX 700 from San Francisco, CA to Memphis, TN in the USA right now and this is an interview we have done with him in May 2019 about his plans and also about his recumbent and non-recumbent history. Dave is very inspirational person so watching the video is really worth the time spent on it.

Traisenthal cycle adventure of the big boss and his sons

Traisenthal cycle adventure of the big boss and his sons

Would you like to know how to enjoy time with kids and how kids can enjoy time with their dad? All you need to do is to pack your bags and go on an adventure. The heatwave was unbearable at home, yet the bikes were just waiting for us to get up and go. Also, dad...

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