Read a great article from our Canadian fan Peter Brown that was published in the EU Supino, a European HPV Association Magazine that has been published annually. The article starts like this:

In June 2019 (the year before Covid), I needed to meet with a business colleague for two weeks in Ankara, Turkey. Flying from my home near Vancouver, Canada is quite a long trip, so without telling him, I decided to go a week early, and get over the jet lag before our meetings started.

When my flight landed in Ankara, I turned on my phone and found a message from him: “Sorry Peter, some urgent work came up, and I had to go to Switzerland. Please can we change our meeting until 2 weeks later?”

Continue reading the original article in the PDF
Continue to download the complete latest EU Supino or even previous issues.

And for all those that will ask. Yes, it is possible to use the mesh seat on the MINI and the SIX, but it is not so comfortable to put your feet down on the ground and for many, the bike will be simply too tall because of that.

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