Nové sídlo AZUB pomalu získává obrysy
Stavět jsme začali v červnu a v polovině března bychom se měli stěhovat. Akorát tak včas (možná už trošinku pozdě), abychom se nachystali na novou sezónu. Budeme mít k dispozici dvakrát tolik místa, přičemž většina náruštu bude věnována vylepšení průběhu výroby....
AZUB Ti-FLY: Vítěz soutěže o tříkolku roku 2017
S opravdu velkým potěšením oznamujeme tuto skvělou novinu: Naše high-endová tříkolka AZUB Ti-FLY se umístila na prvním místě ve čtenářské soutěži Tříkolka Roku 2017, kterou pořádá server
Robert Westling a jeho na míru šité Origami od AZUBu. Turné po světových metropolích
Robert Westling je nadšený lehokolař. V rámci své práce musí Robert hodně cestovat. Nedávno si ovšem usmyslel, že si kvůli služebním cestám nebude odpírat své pravidelné vyjížďky. Proto si Robert pořídil leho-skládačku Origami, s níž si může svoji vášeň vzít kamkoli s sebou.
Unikátní AZUB Origami s Pinionem
Unikátní stavba našeho skládacího lehokola AZUB Origami, které je v této verzi postaveno s 12 rychlostní převodovkou Pinion C1.12, originálním zadním nábojem Pinion, dynamem v předním náboji SON, plným osvětlením a také karbonovou sedačkou. Budoucí majitel Robert...
Barevný AZUB TWIN s Rohloffem
TWINů postavíme jen několik málo za rok, ale jsme nadšení z toho, že díky výrobě rámů v ČR máme možnost nabízet modely, kterých vyrobíme jen několik málo za rok. Přijde nám, že jsou kořením lehokolového světa a dělají ho zajímavým. Tento TWIN je navíc opravdu...
AZUB MAX video overview
We had received nice video overview from Finnish guy Saukki. Thank you Saukki! "I bought this Azub Max recumbent for my new winter bike. In this video I tell you a little bit about this bike and test ride it on a gravel roads. Subscribe to see more videos about Azub...
Prototype of Ti-FLY X
Tom is going to ride the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route in the US on a trike and we have built him a prototype of Ti-FLY 78. An extreme machine which is capable of such task and which is going to carry Tom and all his belongings over the 2768 miles (4454 km) long...
AZUB is realizing project „Development of export activities of AZUB bike s.r.o.“
AZUB bike s.r.o. is implementing the project "Development of export activities of AZUB bike s.r.o." within the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness. The goal of the project is to actively participate in exhibitions at the nine foreign...
AZUB TRIcon na Shimano STEPS E6000 a převodovkou NuVinci 380
TRIcon 26 je dle našeho názoru skvěle vypadající a také fungující tříkolka, za kterou jsme obdrželi cenu „Trike of the Year 2015 Award“ od portálu „Bentrider“. Tento rok jsme také oznámili možnost osadit Shimano STEPS na všechny naše tříkolky a musíme říci, že se nám tento motor zamlouvá ještě více v kombinaci s převodovkou NuVinci 380.
Postavili jsme nový prototyp naší tříkolky FAT, kterou pohání MTB verze motoru Shimano STEPS, konkrétně E8000. Disponuje baterií s kapacitou 504Wh, kroutící moment dosahuje 70 Nm…
AZUB TRIcon 20 s elektrickou přípomocí a grab handles
Máme zde další tříkolku postavenou speciálně pro znevýhodněné jezdce, kteří nejsou schopni řadit nebo brzdit levou rukou. Vše potřebné pro kontrolu tříkolky je osazeno na pravé straně řízení.
Winter commuter by Jirka Hebeda on AZUB Apus
I use recumbents for everyday commute to work, about 150km per week in average. I go in every weather and in winter I need bike that can not only survived that, but let me survive too.
Tauernradweg and the Alpe-Adria Radweg with AZUB Ibex recumbent
We got couple of pictures from Carlo from Italy, who cycled the Tauernradweg and the Alpe-Adria Radweg with his red AZUB Ibex recumbent.
Travelling with six months old baby on AZUB Mini
Congratulation for becoming father! Jon was six month when we started our trip and it worked out quite ok.
AZUB Ti-FLY 26, Pinion brothers
Are you a couple? Do you want to be unique couple? So order pair of unique bikes. These two are Ti-Flys with 12 speed gear box Pinion C1.12, custom painting in black/neon green color combination, Tektro Auriga hydraulic disc brakes and few little other great details.
Twin World Tour part 5
In the past few months, we did a lot of work to enjoy our travel. And we did a pretty good work because it has been quite fantastic till now. We can’t go through all of it but will try to get you some highlights and pics we liked…
Traveling Norway with AZUB TWIN
Covering 1500 km, and with a vocabulary of just 100 words, travel writer Thomas Bauer rode his recumbent trike along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, gathering over 50 invitations to tea along the way.
TRIcon as a base of eCvelo Challenger velomobile
Challenger velomobile is a pretty known project which was assembled on ICE trikes some time ago. The builder was not able to produce it anymore as he has enough of other work so he has sold the complete project to Luc Smets and his company Eurocircuits.
AZUB Twin “hitch type” bike carrier
It certainly lacks elegance, but it works. The platform with attachment plate (left side, for bolting in place the hinged end of the folded Twin frame) I designed and had fabricated by a local welding shop. I purchased from the Yakima replacement spine…
Triking Turkey with Thomas
Covering 1500 km, and with a vocabulary of just 100 words, travel writer Thomas Bauer rode his recumbent trike along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, gathering over 50 invitations to tea along the way.
We produce unique bikes for you!
Look at that. Two trikes (one AZUB TRIcon and one AZUB T-Tris) equipped with Pinions and BionX D-series motors in neon colors. We can really say we produce unique trikes according to your most secret dreams!
Team Lycée Sacré Coeur finished 2nd in Chartres Solar Cup
The team od “Lycée Sacré Coeur” finished at the 2nd place of the “Chartres Solar Cup” in overall, after the 3 runs (2h30 + 2h + 2h), and after winning the 1st run. That has happened last weekend and AZUB T-Tris 26 played a major role in their success. The school team will change for the next year, but the vehicle should be the same and they should greatly improve the performance. We will cross fingers for the next year.
Folding recumbent AZUB Origami equipped by Shimano XTR
This little bike is trully a high end recumbent. Lincoln wanted to have it as light as possible with the best components we can offer. As same as hisfirst bike from us the AZUB MAX. So we did our best. Carbon seat, R.A.W. wheels, XTR components with 3×10 speeds, Ultegra cranks…
Holland on an AZUB Origami
Waking up to warm sunshine wasn’t something I had experienced at all this year until Michele and I hit the shores of Brittany. All our fears about cold and wet conditions evaporated in the first few days we were there. When you are cycle touring you learn to take each day as it comes and there’s little point trying to predict the weather patterns of such a variable region. It’s better to just wake each day and see what it brings. You can always pull the covers back over your head and go back to sleep after all.
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