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AZUB T-Tris 26
Bývalý UCI mistr světa na AZUBu T-Tris 26

Bývalý UCI mistr světa na AZUBu T-Tris 26

Harm Ottenbros je bývalý UCI šampion v silniční cyklistice. Svůj titul získal v roce 1969 v belgickém Zolderu. Byl také členem skupiny, která pomohla získat Janu Janssenovi vítězství na Tour de France v roce 1968. Harm, kterému je nyní již 75 let, nepřestal nikdy...

Team Lycée Sacré Coeur finished 2nd in Chartres Solar Cup

Team Lycée Sacré Coeur finished 2nd in Chartres Solar Cup

The team od “Lycée Sacré Coeur” finished at the 2nd place of the “Chartres Solar Cup” in overall, after the 3 runs (2h30 + 2h + 2h), and after winning the 1st run. That has happened last weekend and AZUB T-Tris 26 played a major role in their success. The school team will change for the next year, but the vehicle should be the same and they should greatly improve the performance. We will cross fingers for the next year.

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