Zjistěte, co je nového v AZUB a jeho okolí

Načerpejte inspiraci při prohlížení fotografií našich kol, zjistěte termíny veletrhů, prohlédněte si speciální nabídky a nenechte si ujít občasné povídání ze zákulisí přátelské české firmy.

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

AZUB Ti-FLY is the trike of the year and it is also thanks to your votes. We have to thank you very much. It is an amazing satisfaction for us and we are even more proud of it because we feel your support! You have all made an amazing effort. Thank you once again!...

Bentrideronline.com great Ti-FLY review

Bentrideronline.com great Ti-FLY review

We are a bit late with publishing the great Ti-FLY review Bryan Ball from Bentrideronline.com wrote, but we are super excited about it. You have to read it to understand our pride. Thank you Bryan! [button link="http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=10880" color="red"...

10 interesting facts from the Land of a Thousand Lakes

10 interesting facts from the Land of a Thousand Lakes

For a long time, I used to long to escape into the wild. Then one day I learned about Finland, the land of endless forests, tranquil groves, numerous tourist shelters and thousands of lakes. Finland is largely a flat country with an extensive network of side roads where there is hardly any traffic. It seemed to be the perfect destination for a (recumbent) cyclist.

First batch of Ti-FLYs goes to dealers

First batch of Ti-FLYs goes to dealers

An important photo. Here is a photo of few of the Ti-FLYs produced in the first batch. The first and second batch will go to dealers so you all can try them as soon as possible. And we are still in time for the first Ti-FLY to be built for a customer at the beginning...

All new offers in one place

All new offers in one place

It is unbelievable how fast the time flies. It seems like New Year was here just a few days ago and now nearly half of it is gone. Incredible. And in recent months, here in AZUB we have worked on many interesting things. You probably already know that we have...

Photos from SPEZI

Here are few photos from the SPEZI show and also video from Jason. We took the opportunity to launch the Ti-FLY there and we had a big success there with many people test riding it and admiring the innovative technical solution of front titanium suspension. The trike...

Price list 2016

Year 2016 has already been part of our lifes for a couple of months, and it is the time for AZUB to come with the new price list. You can find it here. We have several news which you can find highlighted in red in the price list. Mainly, it is the great German Pinion...

LAST CALL – 5% Off-season Discount will end on Sunday

We have a simple message for you today. The winter, or as we officialy call it off-season, discount will finish at the end of January. That means this Sunday.  The discount is valid for orders of complete bikes/trikes or frame sets placed directly or placed through...

Dvě unikátní AZUB tříkolky pro hendikepované jezdce

Dvě unikátní AZUB tříkolky pro hendikepované jezdce

Lehokola a především ležaté tříkolky jsou výborná alternativa pro znevýhodněné jezdce. Tělo jezdce netrpí jako na klasickém kole a není vyvíjen enormní tlak na konkrétní partie, na tříkolce je navíc výhodou, že nepožaduje po jezdci vyvažování stability, jako na jednostopém kole. Tříkolka může být ještě navíc řízena pohodlně jednou rukou.

Jak přepravovat ležatý tandem AZUB TWIN autem

Jak přepravovat ležatý tandem AZUB TWIN autem

Je více možností, jak můžeme přepravovat ležatý tandem AZUB TWIN autem. Mrkněte na galerii fotek od zákazníků, kde si můžete všimnout, že to oranžové autíčko je extra malá Toyota Aygo. V případě většího se jedná o Volvo. Za zaslání fotek děkujeme Storie, „liegen42“ a...

5% off-season discount

As well as last year we offer the off-season 5% discount to all our bikes and trikes from October 1st till end of January 2016. It is a great opportunity to save quite some money just by placing your order couple of weeks/months ahead. Additionally we still offer some...

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