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Taxi trike

Taxi trike

Ti-FLY 26 s motorem Shimano Steps EP6, žlutou barvou a černým eloxováním vypadá jako tříkolka pro taxikáře. Podrobnosti najdete v příspěvku na blogu.



Máme rádi příběhy, a proto se nám líbí i tato fotostory, kterou pořídili během přípravy článku lidé z českého vydání Electric Bike Action. Na obrázcích vidíte Ti-FLY 26 s motorem Shimano Steps E6100 a dva přátele užívající si krásný letní večer na dvou elektrokolech.

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

Trike of the Year 2016 award for the Ti-FLY

AZUB Ti-FLY is the trike of the year and it is also thanks to your votes. We have to thank you very much. It is an amazing satisfaction for us and we are even more proud of it because we feel your support! You have all made an amazing effort. Thank you once again!...

Bentrideronline.com great Ti-FLY review

Bentrideronline.com great Ti-FLY review

We are a bit late with publishing the great Ti-FLY review Bryan Ball from Bentrideronline.com wrote, but we are super excited about it. You have to read it to understand our pride. Thank you Bryan! [button link="http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=10880" color="red"...

10 interesting facts from the Land of a Thousand Lakes

10 interesting facts from the Land of a Thousand Lakes

For a long time, I used to long to escape into the wild. Then one day I learned about Finland, the land of endless forests, tranquil groves, numerous tourist shelters and thousands of lakes. Finland is largely a flat country with an extensive network of side roads where there is hardly any traffic. It seemed to be the perfect destination for a (recumbent) cyclist.

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