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Finský nadšený lehokolista, který si říká Saukki, jezdí v zimě na AZUBu MAX s open cocpit řízením. Podívejte se na jeho rozbor, proč si myslí, že je právě MAX dobrým lehokolem pro zimní cyklo radovánky.

Frogs On Wheels: Na lehokolech kolem světa. Laoské postřehy

Frogs On Wheels: Na lehokolech kolem světa. Laoské postřehy

Jak už jste mohli zjistit na našich webových stránkách, Frogs on Wheels (Žabáci na kolech) jsou turecko-francouzský pár, který již pěknou řádku měsíců objíždí všemožné kouty naší planety na dvou AZUBáckých lehokolech. Gökben, která pochází z Turecka, sedlá AZUB Six. Její přítel, Francouz Nico, cestuje na AZUBu Max. Nedávno jsme od „Žabáků“ obdrželi zprávu se zajímavými postřehy z jejich cesty po Laosu. Se zprávou k nám navíc dorazily parádní snímky, o které se s vámi rovněž chceme podělit.

AZUB MAX video overview

AZUB MAX video overview

We had received nice video overview from Finnish guy Saukki. Thank you Saukki! "I bought this Azub Max recumbent for my new winter bike. In this video I tell you a little bit about this bike and test ride it on a gravel roads. Subscribe to see more videos about Azub...

Super-white AZUB MAX

Super-white AZUB MAX

We got a set of pictures from our Czech customer and they need to be published. He has ordered just a frame set with front fork from us and fine tuned it then. And the result is an extreme white AZUB MAX recumbent. [gallery link="file" size="full"...

Just being with the bike and travelling

Just being with the bike and travelling

We have received very nice e-mail from Erwan travelling around France and just being. Being with our bike. Nice! Hi, I chose an azub max to live on the road. I have used an optima baron for 10 years and a nazca pioneer for 5 years, so, I can recognize a good bike. I...

Beautiful pictures from Norway

Beautiful pictures from Norway

  Gunnstein is in fact our first Norwegian customer. He even flew to Czech to visit us and test ride different bikes. He has chosen the AZUB MAX with above seat steering and MTB style components as he uses his bike both off and on the road. Here is his set of...

AZUB and airplanes

AZUB and airplanes

We have received this one nice picture from Bruno. He likes his AZUB TRIcon ultra folding trike with BionX engine a lot and he also likes airplanes. He is a pilot of ultralights and was in fact a first customer to come to order the trike/bike by plane. He landed just...

Igor riding his MAX around Australia

Igor riding his MAX around Australia

Igor is originaly from the Czech Republic, but has been living in Australia for couple of last years. He purchuased his AZUB MAX to ride around Australia and to learn more abour permaculture. He writes a very nice blog which we think make sense to read. You can sign...

AZUB Max transporting glider

AZUB Max transporting glider

One of the pretty interesting uses of the AZUB Max recumbent. Here you can see, how one of our customers uses it for transporting of the RC glider. He has also very nice pictures taken from the glider. Mainly after click to the second link.   [gallery link="file"...

Travelling with my Azub Hardcore

Travelling with my Azub Hardcore

Lincoln is owner of one of the nicest machines we have ever built. He spent a vacation in Holand and sent us a short report about the travel. If you want to knowmore about ravelling with recumbents and trikes read an article here. Lincoln: We all want to bring our...

Valdson on Paris-Brest-Paris

Valdson on Paris-Brest-Paris

This is an e-mail we received from one of our customers Valdson. He ordered an AZUB MAX with Rohloff, SON hub dynamo, some carbon parts etc. just few weeks before the so known and respectful Paris-Brest-Paris race. The oldest bicycle race on the world which is still...

Pink lady

Pink lady

 The weather outside is not really nice nowadays everything is gray or brown and people do not smile at each other as in Summer. So let´s come with some sweet pictures with shiny bike and smiling lady. Rebecca saw her bike on the SPEZI show 2011 in Germersheim and she...

AZUB MAX for co-founder of Google?

AZUB MAX for co-founder of Google?

Sergey Brin, one of two Google co-founders, is looking for a recumbent bike. In his Google+ account he ask his followers to recommend him a recumbent with following properties: nice mix of performance, comfort and safety. So, probably 20'ish pounds, not too upright,...

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