Ti-FLY blog posts
The 2020 – 2021 calendar finally available
We've been dreaming for a few years at AZUB about our own calendar, which would consist of all the amazing pictures we have from the adventurers riding AZUB recumbent bikes, and for this year, which is our twentieth year, the idea made the most sense to us. But its...
AZUB Recumbent Meeting 2020 will be in September
AZUB will celebrate its 20 years Anniversary by organizing an international recumbent meeting in Uhersky Brod, Czechia. Here is the first info available.
2020 price lists available
Our new price lists will be valid from February 1st, 2020.
Riding with no arms? YES, it is possible!
We are very proud we could be part of the project to supply Lee with his new electric trike. His choice was Ti-FLY 26. Lee has no arms so operating the trike is quite a task.
Ti-FLY available in the USA again + 5% temporary discount
We are happy to announce we have reached an agreement in principle with Triot regarding our patent violation and we will resume shippment of Ti-FLYs with immediate effect.
Electric folding recumbent AZUB Origami with Shimano STEPS E6100
It is quite an unusual combination of an electric assists and our folding ORIGAMI, but our dealer Fahr3Rad-Saar from Germany ordered it as a demo bike.
AZUB and current coronavirus crisis
AZUB is still working on all orders. We don’t have any major or important component supply issues and we try to act the way to be able to build bikes fluently in the future as well. If there is any delay in the delivery of ordered bikes you will be informed as usual.
Don’t miss it! Last days of the 5% season discount
Great opportunity to save quite some money just by placing your order couple of weeks/months ahead before main season starts. You can have some nice accessory “for free” or even a higher model if you wish.
Electric trike winter ride in Finland
Arto is our Finnish dealer. His shop’s name is Arcus Velomobile. As the winter in Finland is pretty long and quite often also tough, he tested the winter tires from Continental on his AZUB TRIcon 26 recumbent electric trike. His choice is Continental Topcontact Winter 55mm.
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