Ibex stories

PF 2024

PF 2024

We would like to wish you a peaceful holiday season, if you celebrate it, and we also want to let you know that until January 2, 2024, the entire AZUB will be recharging for the next season, so we will be closed.

Taxi trike

Taxi trike

The Ti-FLY 26 with Shimano Steps EP6 motor, yellow color and black anodizing looks like a taxi trike. See the details in the blog post.

Adventurous AZUB T-Tris AR with Pinion C1.12 drive

Adventurous AZUB T-Tris AR with Pinion C1.12 drive

The AR in the name of our latest trike model with all 26″ wheels stands for “Adventure Ride”, and this piece in light green metallic is really ready for big challenges.

Invitation to Salon du Velo in Geneva (CH) next week

Invitation to Salon du Velo in Geneva (CH) next week

We want to invite you to the upcoming Salon du Velo in Geneva. Together with our dealer ONA-Bikes we will be the only recumbent manufacturer at the show and you will have the opportunity to try some of our trikes and bikes.

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