Detailed review of the AZUB SIX with Shimano Steps EP8 e-assist from a Californian recumbent rider.
AZUB Origami Review in Der Spiegel
German world known magazine Der Spiegel has published a review of the folding recumbent AZUB Origami.
Review of AZUB Origami with Bacchetta Open Cocpit bars
Paul’s review of his new AZUB Origami folding recumbent tuned-up with Bacchetta Open Cocpit handlebars.
Detailed video review of the Ti-FLY X plus its comparison to HP Velotechnik Scorpion Enduro and the TRIcon GR
Detailed video review of the AZUB Ti-FLY X and its comparison with the TRIcon GR and Scorpion Enduro.
Read the amazing review of the Ti-FLY published in Velo Vision magazine
And another review is here. What more a producer of a new product would want ? This time in world known british HPV magazine called Velo Vision. Read...
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