electric trike
Ti-FLY X as a superstar 🎥

Ti-FLY X as a superstar 🎥

Just see the video from Utah Trikes perfectly describing all the features of the Ti-FLY line including the Ti-FLY X as a superstar of this movie.

Two extreme AZUB Ti-FLY Xs went to Austria

Two extreme AZUB Ti-FLY Xs went to Austria

We have built two beautiful largely customized electric recumbent trikes AZUB TI-FLY X for retired Austrian couple. They did have very precise idea about what they want for their trikes. Thanks to our EPIC level of customization we were able to build them their dream trikes.

Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Electric trike winter ride in Finland

Arto is our Finnish dealer. His shop’s name is Arcus Velomobile. As the winter in Finland is pretty long and quite often also tough, he tested the winter tires from Continental on his AZUB TRIcon 26 recumbent electric trike. His choice is Continental Topcontact Winter 55mm.

Bikes for sale directly at the SPEZI show or after the show

Bikes for sale directly at the SPEZI show or after the show

We will have most of the bikes from the show for sale for immediate pick-up on Sunday afternoon or to be shipped from us the week after.    You can find a list of configurations and prices here under for download (prices and configurations may vary a bit as we adjust...

Electric assisted AZUB TRIcon 20 with grab handles

Electric assisted AZUB TRIcon 20 with grab handles

We got here another really custom build trike for the disabled rider whose is not possible to shift/brake with his left hand. So every needed features are on right side of the handlebar.

AZUB TRIcon 20 s elektrickou přípomocí a grab handles

AZUB TRIcon 20 s elektrickou přípomocí a grab handles

Máme zde další tříkolku postavenou speciálně pro znevýhodněné jezdce, kteří nejsou schopni řadit nebo brzdit levou rukou. Vše potřebné pro kontrolu tříkolky je osazeno na pravé straně řízení.

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