Wishing all our customers, friends, dealers, and suppliers a peaceful holiday season and a fantastic New Year 2025!
AZUB crew during the Recumbent Meeting
We all have enjoyed the Recumbent Meeting as a celebration of AZUB’s 20th Anniversary, but we have enjoyed it also in the seats of recumbent bikes and trikes. Here are some photos of AZUB team members riding.
AZUB Recumbent Meeting 2020 will be in September
AZUB will celebrate its 20 years Anniversary by organizing an international recumbent meeting in Uhersky Brod, Czechia. Here is the first info available.
AZUB Recumbent Meeting 2020 – PRELIMINARY INFO
PRELIMINARY INFORMATION! Some of you may now we will celebrate 20 years of AZUB next year. Some of you may also know that we organize a recumbent meeting at our place in Uherský Brod every 5 years. Some of you may have heard there was a pre-meeting tour in 2015 and we...
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