The T-FLY X with FAT tires

The T-FLY X with FAT tires

Is this the best off-road trike ever built? Many will say yes, many will have some doubts, but it is definitely an exciting project guys in Utah Trikes have undertaken.

Ultimate AZUB FAT for farm use

Ultimate AZUB FAT for farm use

Can you imagine a trike used for farm keeping and even towing a huge car trailer? Even more to be used in very cold temperatures? We have built an AZUB FAT for this purpose and guys at Angletech added few important parts.

AZUB FAT trike with Pinion gear hub

AZUB FAT trike with Pinion gear hub

Pinion gear hubs give you wide range and durability for dirty riding. And coulddn’t be better for it than the AZUB Fat trike who loves snow, sand, and lots of dirt.

Loučil jsem se se svým životem

Loučil jsem se se svým životem

Honza Žďánský je náš kamarád a s naší podporou objel na klasickém kole severní polokouli. Na podzim roku 2014 dostal bláznivý nápad přejet na kole zamrzlé sibiřské jezero Bajkal. Stačilo pár minut a bylo jasné, že to budeme my, kdo se postará o vývoj a konstrukci fat triku vhodného na sníh, jehož základem bude AZUB T-Tris, a že Honza vyrazí na svou ledovou expedici v březnu následujícího roku na třech kolech.

I bade farewell to my life

I bade farewell to my life

Honza Žďánský is AZUB’s friend. With our support, he rode on a classic bike around the northern hemisphere and in the autumn of 2014 he got a crazy idea to cross the frozen Siberian Lake Baikal on a bicycle. It only took a few minutes to see that it would be us who would take care of the development and construction of a fat trike suitable for snow, which we would base on AZUB T-Tris, and that Honza would set off on his ice expedition in March the following year on three wheels.

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