Amazing bikes is a series, where we showcase bikes and trikes which are not ordinary or usual but somehow special and might be inspiration for others. You can see, how your favorite drivetrain, brakes or color looks like on real recumbent and decide, whether is this...
Tom’s big retirement journey on Ti-FLY X
Intro: Retirement minus 24 days…17 weekdays…not that I’m counting. I’d like a big trip to celebrate my retirement. The Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, or the Continental Divide Trail? 2500 miles give or take…that’s a long way to walk. Maybe riding would be...
Ti-FLY eX – brand new e-trike on 26″ wheels
Ti-FLY eX When we finished the first Ti-FLY with three 26" wheels for Tom we were really excited. And our fans turned out to be excited as well. Our new project looks just marvelous – in pictures and in reality as well. And it's also amazing to ride. That's why it...
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