We would like to let you know about a small change we are introducing starting February 7, 2025. Prices for some of our models and selected options will increase slightly, ranging from 100 to 200 EUR/USD. See the table below for model pricing.

We understand that a price adjustment is never welcome news, and we want to assure you that this decision wasn’t made lightly. Over the past year, we’ve been fortunate to maintain sufficient demand for our custom-built recumbent bikes, with delivery times currently around 8 weeks. However, the costs of components and operations have continued to rise.

To maintain the exceptional quality and personalized service you expect from AZUB, we’ve strengthened our team and plan to expand even further this year. This step allows us to deliver your bikes on time, with the care and attention to detail that we are committed to.

We truly appreciate your understanding and continued trust in AZUB. Your support enables us to keep innovating and delivering the best possible recumbent bikes and trikes.

Thank you!
Your AZUB Team

Model / MSRP2024difference20252024difference20252024difference2025
Ti-FLY 265 999 €200 €6 199 €4 858 €182 €5 040 €$ 7 099 $ 200 $ 7 299 
Ti-FLY X6 599 €200 €6 799 €5 354 €182 €5 536 €$ 7 899 $ 200 $ 8 099 
Ti-FLY 205 999 €200 €6 199 €4 858 €182 €5 040 €$ 7 099 $ 200 $ 7 299 
TRIcon 264 399 €100 €4 499 €3 536 €100 €3 636 €$ 4 999 $ 100 $ 5 099 
TRIcon GR4 999 €100 €5 099 €4 031 €100 €4 131 €$ 5 799 $ 100 $ 5 899 
TRIcon 204 399 €100 €4 499 €3 536 €100 €3 636 €$ 4 999 $ 100 $ 5 099 
T-Tris 263 499 €100 €3 599 €2 792 €100 €2 892 €$ 3 999 $ – $ 3 999 
T-Tris AR3 699 €100 €3 799 €2 957 €100 €3 057 €$ 4 599 $ – $ 4 599 
T-Tris 203 499 €100 €3 599 €2 792 €100 €2 892 €$ 3 999 $ – $ 3 999 
T-Trisek3 499 €100 €3 599 €2 792 €100 €2 892 €$ 3 999 $ – $ 3 999 
FAT4 599 €100 €4 699 €3 701 €100 €3 801 €$ 5 799 $ – $ 5 799 
MAX 263 699 €200 €3 899 €2 957 €183 €3 140 €$ 4 599 $ – $ 4 599 
MAX 7004 299 €200 €4 499 €3 453 €183 €3 636 €$ 5 199 $ – $ 5 199 
SIX3 699 €200 €3 899 €2 957 €183 €3 140 €$ 4 599 $ – $ 4 599 
MINI3 699 €200 €3 899 €2 957 €183 €3 140 €$ 4 599 $ – $ 4 599 
TWIN7 199 €200 €7 399 €5 850 €182 €6 032 €$ 8 499 $ – $ 8 499 
ORIGAMI3 299 €200 €3 499 €2 619 €183 €2 802 €$ 3 899 $ – $ 3 899 

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