Our bikes & trailers – what you need to know

Our bikes & trailers – what you need to know

Because many of our bikes and trikes are used for multi-day cycling expeditions, or practical everyday use, our customers often ask us about the possibility of attaching a trailer to our bikes. Their questions also point to which of the trailer is the best. So here is our analysis and our recommendations based primarily on my experience of many long journeys during which I have used different trailers.

Ultimate AZUB FAT for farm use

Ultimate AZUB FAT for farm use

Can you imagine a trike used for farm keeping and even towing a huge car trailer? Even more to be used in very cold temperatures? We have built an AZUB FAT for this purpose and guys at Angletech added few important parts.

Igor riding his MAX around Australia

Igor riding his MAX around Australia

Igor is originaly from the Czech Republic, but has been living in Australia for couple of last years. He purchuased his AZUB MAX to ride around Australia and to learn more abour permaculture. He writes a very nice blog which we think make sense to read. You can sign...

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