As well as our wide range of components, we also offer an extensive list of accessories you can mount on your bike. Well, you cannot be expected to be happy with the same rack and the same lights when commuting to work and when cycling in rough terrain. And because we enjoy both commuting to work and revelling in rough terrain, as well as riding across the continent, we do have an idea of what might come in handy. Moreover, we listen to our customers and we listen very carefully. So it is often you, who come up with a great idea. You try it out and then we will start producing it again, for you.

As of 2024, we no longer display all of our accessories on this page. There are a lot of them and it was hard to orientate which accessory belongs to which of our models. That’s why you can find them for each model in our excellent configurator.

AZUB recumbent configurator
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