Ultra powerful package of lights. B&M Lumotec Lyt and B&M TopLight View.


A new mid-range LED headlight. Modern LED lens technology creates a very good and homogenous field of light with light at close range and precise light/dark boundary. High operational reliability – the operating life of the LED is many thousands of hours long. With integrated front reflector. Approved by German road traffic regulations.

Compact shape with integrated lateral light emission for added safety, extremely robust casing. Stainless steel mounting bracket.

  • Basic version “LUMOTEC Lyt B” about 20 Lux
  • IQ2-Technology: 70 Lux
  • Panorama Close Range Light
  • Floodlight Beam boost: 90 Lux
  • USB output port
  • Remote Switch
  • Lithium Cache Battery
  • LICHT24: Day Ride Light
  • Stand light
  • Sensor
  • Part N° 179U

B&M TopLight View

The LED headlight of the new middle class. Modern LED lens technology creates a very good and homogenous fi eld of light with light at close range and precise light/dark boundary. High operational reliability – the operating life of the LED is many thousands of hours long. With integrated front reflector. Approved by German road traffic regulations.

Compact shape with integrated lateral light emission for added safety, extremely robust casing. Stainless steel mounting bracket.

  • 25 Lux
  • Part N° 178N



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