Karel Tříska is not only one of the first AZUBacek customers, our company friend, and supporter, but also a great recumbent traveler. In 2022, he, his wife Eva, and daughter Terezka made a long journey along the Danube River from its spring to its delta and then back through the Balkans and this year they went to Japan to explore the largest of the islands, Honshu. They set off north from Narita airport near Tokyo, and on their journey, they enjoy not only the beautiful views and quiet roads but also swimming in the sea and, above all, the time the three of them can spend together. Terezka no longer rides in a Burley children trailer, but on her bicycle, which Karel can pull behind his AZUB SIX recumbent bike if needed. Since the last tour, Eva has ridden a recumbent, too. The AZUB MINI.

You can follow Karel and his whole family on Facebook or on the Polarsteps app’s map. Their photos are beautiful, and the stories are either in English or easily translated on Facebook.

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