Vaše skvělé AZUBácké příběhy
The Silk Road and trikes
They set off on their journey from the foot of the Eiffel Tower on one beautiful sunny Sunday in March 2014. Nicolas Cochin, originally from Jumeauville, and his girlfriend, Anne-Cé. Ultimately, they managed to win a crazy bet that they would travel 12,500 kilometres from Paris to Bangkok along the Silk Road. They travelled on two AZUB TRIcon trikes.
French Connections: early days
I’m sat at home contemplating the last five weeks. That’s how long it is since I was last here for more than a few days and the first time I’ve been able to relax properly without feeling I had to do something. It’s also the first time that I’ve been able to sit and relive the three weeks spent touring in Brittany with Michele on our superb AZUB recumbent trikes.
Tricycle Tour and their first short little story
Good Morning to all the Azub Team from Montana, where we are now. We thought it was really the time for us to give you some news from our Tricycle Tour!
Twin World Tour part 1
In the past few months, we did a lot of work to enjoy our travel. And we did a pretty good work because it has been quite fantastic till now. We can’t go through all of it but will try to get you some highlights and pics we liked…
10 interesting facts from the Land of a Thousand Lakes
For a long time, I used to long to escape into the wild. Then one day I learned about Finland, the land of endless forests, tranquil groves, numerous tourist shelters and thousands of lakes. Finland is largely a flat country with an extensive network of side roads where there is hardly any traffic. It seemed to be the perfect destination for a (recumbent) cyclist.
Frogs on Wheels are in "stans" now
Gökben and Nico are on their journey for over 400 days now. Currently in Uzbekistan. Here is their rough summary of first half of 2015 and also photos from Georgia and Armenia. Follow the expedition on Facebook or their web. [gallery link="file" size="full"...
Loučil jsem se se svým životem
Honza Žďánský je náš kamarád a s naší podporou objel na klasickém kole severní polokouli. Na podzim roku 2014 dostal bláznivý nápad přejet na kole zamrzlé sibiřské jezero Bajkal. Stačilo pár minut a bylo jasné, že to budeme my, kdo se postará o vývoj a konstrukci fat triku vhodného na sníh, jehož základem bude AZUB T-Tris, a že Honza vyrazí na svou ledovou expedici v březnu následujícího roku na třech kolech.
Japanese AZUB TWIN video
One of the nicest AZUB TWIN we have built went to Japan. Here is a video showing it from almost all sides while riding 🙂
Riding2Recovery: A personal tale
The arrival of two beautiful T-Tris trikes from AZUB two weeks ago marked the beginning of a new era for me. I’m 54 years old and suffer a long-term invisible disability. My adult life has been plagued by poor mental health and a series of breakdowns.
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