Abyste věděli, co se děje v AZUBu a kolem něj

Inspirace skrze fotky krsáných kol, které jsme postavili, termíny veletrhů, nové ceníky i upozornění na slevy. Tu a tam též pohled do zákulisí přátelské české firmy.

AZUB T-Tris videos – overview and folding

AZUB T-Tris videos – overview and folding

Two days ago, we have published two videos of our flagship trike the TRIcon and the T-Tris videos are here today. Enjoy the overview and folding video. As well as with the TRIcon we look forward to any of your comments. Let`s look forward to a video describing how we...

AZUB TRIcon videos – overview and folding

AZUB TRIcon videos – overview and folding

We have been working hard on new videos during last couple of weeks. We visited Alps to do some nice shots, but were also around Uherský Brod for some other shooting. The result is six new trike videos. Two are here today, the others will come in next days. Any...

Frogs on Wheels are in "stans" now

Frogs on Wheels are in "stans" now

Gökben and Nico are on their journey for over 400 days now. Currently in Uzbekistan. Here is their rough summary of first half of 2015 and also photos from Georgia and Armenia. Follow the expedition on Facebook or their web.   [gallery link="file" size="full"...

Video from SPEZI 2015

Video from SPEZI 2015

Short video from the SPEZI show in Germersheim, Germany, where we had our booth once again. Well, not only one booth. We had a stand in the outside area and also a stand on the test parcour. We brought over 20 bikes and trikes for display and test rides as well.

Loučil jsem se se svým životem

Loučil jsem se se svým životem

Honza Žďánský je náš kamarád a s naší podporou objel na klasickém kole severní polokouli. Na podzim roku 2014 dostal bláznivý nápad přejet na kole zamrzlé sibiřské jezero Bajkal. Stačilo pár minut a bylo jasné, že to budeme my, kdo se postará o vývoj a konstrukci fat triku vhodného na sníh, jehož základem bude AZUB T-Tris, a že Honza vyrazí na svou ledovou expedici v březnu následujícího roku na třech kolech.

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