Zjistěte, co je nového v AZUBu a jeho okolí

Načerpejte inspiraci při prohlížení fotografií našich kol, zjistěte termíny veletrhů, prohlédněte si speciální nabídky a nenechte si ujít občasné povídání ze zákulisí přátelské české firmy.

Valdson on Paris-Brest-Paris

Valdson on Paris-Brest-Paris

This is an e-mail we received from one of our customers Valdson. He ordered an AZUB MAX with Rohloff, SON hub dynamo, some carbon parts etc. just few weeks before the so known and respectful Paris-Brest-Paris race. The oldest bicycle race on the world which is still...

AZUB Cartoon from Velodreamer.com

We just received a beautiful cartoon of our recumbent from Velodreamer´s Karina. Seems to be an AZUB MAX 🙂 We like all the projects you can find on their web page www.velodreamer.com and Karina´s set of cartoons is really nice. I recommend to visit their page and...

AZUB MAX for co-founder of Google?

AZUB MAX for co-founder of Google?

Sergey Brin, one of two Google co-founders, is looking for a recumbent bike. In his Google+ account he ask his followers to recommend him a recumbent with following properties: nice mix of performance, comfort and safety. So, probably 20'ish pounds, not too upright,...

Electric recumbent AZUB ECO 20″

Tom sent us few pictures of his AZUB ECO 20″ with electric assist he use for commuting. Pictures are very promissing and you can find his comments in his blog here.

Azub 5 after 17.000 km

You could already read about Marija Kozin on our blog. In spring 2009 she came to our facility to show us her Azub 5 after 17.000 km. Almost everything was original. Chain, crankset, cassette, pedals, rear tyre Maraton XR (fron Maraton was changed twice). The pulley...

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