Ondra Sopůšek
SINCE 2012
What exactly do you do in AZUB?
My main task is assembling recumbent bikes and trikes, as well as servicing them. Then, I carry out the pre-sale service on folding bikes, electric bikes, I also electrify bikes, prepare subassemblies for mounting… In short, my job is quite varied.
How did you come to work here?
Cycling has always been my hobby and when in 2012 I saw an ad in a paper for a job in AZUB, I didn’t hesitate for long. I decided to apply and was lucky enough to be accepted.
What made the prospect of working in AZUB attractive for you?
The thing that attracted me the most was the fact that I would be doing a job I would really enjoy and that I would not go to work with aversion like I often see some people do. And my wish has been granted…
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I enjoy the diversity of work the most, as almost every bicycle we assemble is original. Every day in AZUB is different, there is no stereotype.
And what do you really hate?
I don’t like it when we have to stop in the middle of an assembly, for example due to parts not delivered. But hopefully in time things will improve in this respect…
Do you remember your first encounter with a recumbent bike?
Since I live in a region where there is probably the largest concentration of recumbents in the Czech Republic, I really cannot remember the first time…
Which AZUB model do you like the best and why?
AZUB Ti-Fly because of its original front suspension system with titanium springs.
When you are not in AZUB, what do you do?
My biggest hobby is cycling, especially mountain biking. I also enjoy hiking, skiing and ski mountaineering. And I am at my happiest when there is also a nice bunch of people doing these activities with me…
Which bike do you use the most?
Regarding recumbents, it is the AZUB Ibex Open Cockpit.
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