AZUB BIKE s.r.o.
Bajovec 2761
688 01 Uherský Brod
Czech Republic
Having a run-of-the-mill production line spitting out the same bikes day in and day out would not be for us. Why should a rider adapt to the bicycle? We think it should be the other way round! To us the world of recumbents seems to be somewhat stagnant so we like to poke and prod a bit, rock the boat and promote the image of recumbent riding!
From the very beginnings we have pursued our aim – to make the best recumbents in the world. Confucius once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. So we set off on ours. Would you like explore where this journey has taken us, how we have done and where we are right now? If you are interested, start reading here.
Our team
Every year there are more and more of us, enthusiasts who spend hours configuring your bikes, preparing parts for them and building them, and also those who do other stuff, like invoicing. Who are all these people? How did they come to be in AZUB and when? What do they enjoy and what do they hate? And how do they spend their free time when not at work? Each has a story to tell and nine questions to answer.
We just love bikes
You would expect that, wouldn’t you? And right you are! But we do not love just recumbents, we love all sorts of all pedally thingamajigs. Foldables, cargoes, hard tails and fulls. Bicycles, tricycles, quadricycles, you name it. There is even a scooterer among us, a well passionate one at that. All these little cycling niches give us lots of inspiration to further develop our recumbents. We must admit, we also lose sleep over them. They occupy our thoughts all the time and make us think about devising new and new contraptions we could saddle up.
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