Aleš Zemánek - founder and CEO of AZUB

The bentrider FaMeuhly



Model year: 2005 (August) 
Type: Boy 
Fuel: more meat than vegetables 
Description: Shy? Malo is malicious. More matte than literary, Malo loves horses (what is more normal for a Norman?), Geocaching to discover treasures. He is discreet, but very observant. Initially, he would have preferred to leave by truck, but when we talked to him about the tandem, he was enchanted!


Model year: 2003 (January) 
Type: Boy 
Fuel: rather vegetable than meat 
Description: A great enthusiast of archeology, he imposed us to go to Greece since Egypt is not on our course … , Insects are so many subjects that interest Leo … We risk to stop often! 
Always in motion … To see him posed? When he does archery or when he reads!


(seen by Manu)

Model Year: 1978 (August) 
Type: Girl 
Fuel: Chocolate 
Description: The daughter of the family! Hélène has a reserved nature and has gold in her fingers, an unusual dressmaker. She has been on her own for 4 years, you will find it under the name of Mademoiselle Libellule. These creations are unique and some (pennants, windsocks …) will make it possible to finance a part of our project. Helene is a woman and a mother without artifice or taste of luxury. She is natural and loves family walks.


(seen by Hélene)

Model Year: 1978 (May) 
Type: Boy 
Fuel: sausage 
Description: It is he who is the origin of the project, and I will never thank him enough! 
Independent in the world of communication for 6 years. The camera grafted, he long dreamed of making a book of his panoramic photos. With the large number of landscapes and exceptional places that we will have the chance to discover, his dream will come true.



The Famehuly Family in Rome right now

The Famehuly Family in Rome right now

French family which is cycling with their two boys around Europe arrived in Rome few days ago. Here is a short e-mail from them as well as some pictures and video describing their half year long trip. It is not that difficult to realize it, but for those who are...

French family to go around Europe in 2013 and 2014

French family to go around Europe in 2013 and 2014

Mury family from France is planning an amazing tour around Europe on trike. They suppose to start in August 2013. They will use two AZUB T-Tris trikes and a Hase Ketwiesel tandem. They have a pretty nice blog. We recommend to look especialy at their team panoramatic...


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