Aleš Zemánek - founder and CEO of AZUB

Richard Haket


Was born in America. His first travel started in 1973 to South Africa with his mom to see distant family. Since then, passion for travelling has grown. In 1979 he started to do shorter bike trips – Mexico and Netherlands. In 1986 he went to the Netherlands on a 10-spd bike to look for his family roots and ended up with 12 visited European countries. In 1987 was time to learn something about the USA, where he was trying to go through as many states as possible. In October of 1987, he made another trip to Australia, from where he continued to see New Zealand, Tasmania and Perth. Next year was also Asia on schedule, where he bought a new mountain bike, with which he travelled through Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Macao, China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Many more countries followed afterwards. In 2014 he got his first recumbent bike, AZUB SIX, called „Gemini“. Since then, Richard is touring the world on this bike and he didn’t regret the choice.




Richard Haket visiting AZUB – bike restoration

Richard Haket visiting AZUB – bike restoration

It's been already 3 and half a year since Rich Haket first left our factory with his AZUB SIX. Since then he rode Eastern Europe, Asia, some parts of USA and Australia to end up at our factory again. In this time, he managed to make approx 122000 km on his recumbent....

Richard Haket visiting Russia

Richard Haket visiting Russia

Richard Haket aka "DucthAmerican Tourbiker" is this year on a European trip and right now is discovering Russia. Richard sent us some pictures of him and his AZUB SIX "Gemini" enjoying the trip. During the trip he managed to take a lot of photos, this is just a small...

Richard Haket – story of one recumbent rider

Richard Haket – story of one recumbent rider

As by many asked to tell my story, how did I get to become a world bike traveler and about some of my travels. Well this the somewhat of a long story, so where to begin. Well, I was born in 1962 to two Dutch immigrant parents, so I was born Dutch American... But with...


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