Aleš Zemánek - founder and CEO of AZUB

Stéphane and Manue


Myopic, no sense of direction, a funny choice for a world tour captain! But it does not matter. His motivation for the discovery of the world and his thirst for adventure will be his best assets. This young fool takes advantage of every moment and sees the good side of any situation. His optimism and his ability to make friends will spare us difficult times. He will drive our magnificent vehicle on the roads to anywhere.

Date of Birth:  February 6, 1986
What he did in life before: Industrial engineer

What made him want to leave:  fear of becoming a serious person, experiencing the freedom to wander just for fun

He likes:  fast pedalling, sausages, sandwiches

He does not like: falls


A good stoker: trained for 3 years with Burgundian scouts. Able to light a fire with some pebbles and a match already used, ready to pee in the woods and build a foliage hut before dark. Got the explorer badge at only 12 years old. She will be a navigator, photographer and will make sure that we eat something other than pasta for a year.

Date of Birth: May 8, 1986
What she did in life before: wind developer
What made her want to leave: change her life, do something crazy to get out of the tracks on which we have been since school, take time to live at our pace and see the world
She likes: taking pictures from the back of the tandem while riding
She does not like: fish and seafood




Twin World Tour part 5

Twin World Tour part 5

In the past few months, we did a lot of work to enjoy our travel. And we did a pretty good work because it has been quite fantastic till now. We can’t go through all of it but will try to get you some highlights and pics we liked…

Twin World Tour part 1

Twin World Tour part 1

In the past few months, we did a lot of work to enjoy our travel. And we did a pretty good work because it has been quite fantastic till now. We can’t go through all of it but will try to get you some highlights and pics we liked…


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