2024 pricing plus some new component options

2024 pricing plus some new component options

January and February used to be the months when we published new price lists and introduced changes in specifications for the next season. However, at the time of COVID, we also had to react during the year. Due to the uncertainty in the market, we ended up cancelling...
PF 2024

PF 2024

Vážení zákazníci, kamarádi a fanoušci,rádi bychom vám popřáli hezké a klidné Vánoce a radostný příchod nového roku. Rádi bychom vám všem poděkovali za přízeň v letošním roce. Konečně jsme se mohli s našimi fanoušky potkávat během obou významných veletrhů, ať už to...
PF 2024

PF 2024

Dear customers, friends, fans, and dealers,we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, a Happy New Year if 1.1 is the right start for you, and overall a very peaceful time. Just enough snow for those in the northern hemisphere, and just enough...
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