Abyste věděli, co se děje v AZUBu a kolem něj

Inspirace skrze fotky krsáných kol, které jsme postavili, termíny veletrhů, nové ceníky i upozornění na slevy. Tu a tam též pohled do zákulisí přátelské české firmy.

Super-white AZUB MAX

Super-white AZUB MAX

We got a set of pictures from our Czech customer and they need to be published. He has ordered just a frame set with front fork from us and fine tuned it then. And the result is an extreme white AZUB MAX recumbent. [gallery link="file" size="full"...

Custom ECO trike built for Czech customer

This is a post which should show that almost everything is possible here in AZUB. Even if we officialy promote the AZUB ECO trike as a basic trike with only minimum of options, we are able to build it based on customer demand. Of course, with some little upcharge for...

Amazing AZUB TWIN recumbent tandem

Amazing AZUB TWIN recumbent tandem

We built a pretty unique AZUB TWIN tandem last week. Our customers wanted to have it in same colors as their two Catrike trikes. So we let the dreams flow, used the AZUB Color shop option and painted a very special frame for them. The expedition extension of our...

Amazing recumbent tandem for Japan

Amazing recumbent tandem for Japan

This is one of the first production tandems we ever did. You could see two videos with it in one of the previous posts and we found some pictures of it now. So we would like to show them to you. The components of this unique bike were not that much special except for...

Pink lady

Pink lady

 The weather outside is not really nice nowadays everything is gray or brown and people do not smile at each other as in Summer. So let´s come with some sweet pictures with shiny bike and smiling lady. Rebecca saw her bike on the SPEZI show 2011 in Germersheim and she...

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