As well as last year we offer the off-season 5% discount to all our bikes and trikes from October 1st till end of January 2016. It is a great opportunity to save quite some money just by placing your order couple of weeks/months ahead. Additionally we still offer some discounts for over-stocked components. We do not plan to increase the prices for 2016 significantly, but there might be some increases here and there occurring in February next year. Count all that and you can have some nice accessory „for free“ or even a higher model if you wish compare to placing an order just before the season comes.

The discount is valid for orders of complete bikes/trikes or frame sets placed directly or placed through our dealers. Improtant is the date when we receive the order.

Why we offer off-season discount?
The reason why we offer such discount is simple. During the high season, we have so many orders that we can hardly assemble all of the bikes in time. Guys are working 10 to 12 hours a day and often during weekends too. Those are very hard times for all of us here. And still, despite the fact that we try as hard as we can, our lead times are longer than we would like them to be.

And then in winter, we do not have enough orders to work on as you all wait for the spring :-) Hiring more people is not a solution too, as we need to know all the guys from assembly well, and they have to have a high level of special knowledge and skills. The build quality is very important factor for us, and we belive also for you.All that means such discount should motivate some of you to accelerate placing the order before the high season comes.We hope that this way we will have somehow steady flow of orders, and our mechanics will have enough time to work on your bikes and will also have enough time to rest too.

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